Band Profile

Right Proper Lads

The Right Proper Lads are a high-energy, Celtic-based duo from the Niagara area.

Patsy & The Muscle

Patrick & Matthew Vandersluys have been brothers ever since Matt’s birth on December 9th, 1986. Learning to sing and play the guitar from their uncle Michael, they quickly made a name for themselves around the neighbourhood bonfires in Niagara Falls, and have since expanded that neighbourhood to encompass all of the Niagara Region out to the greater Golden Horseshoe Region of Southern Ontario.

The O’Deadlys

It was the summer of 2007. In the middle of The Netherlands. Arnhem to be precise. That’s where our two protagonists met. That fateful meeting turned into a love story across two continents and eventually lead to the formation of The O’Deadlys, considered by many to be Ontario’s top Celtic band.